Sunday, 22 September 2019

Craft a Cure for Cancer
Toys to Treasure
'Craft cure for Cancer' has now raised over $62,000 for the Cancer Council, through the efforts of hundreds of generous craftspeople, who donate their beautiful handmade creations. We then sell the goods at markets and exhibitions; we only sell at venues where we are welcomed with no out of pocket expenses. 100% of the money raised is donated.
Check out our Cancer Council donation page at 

Our next fundraiser is 'Toys to Treasure'.
You can help us Craft a Cure for Cancer by making and donating a handmade soft toy for our pre Christmas market stalls.
We'll be selling toys at the Warratina Lavender Open Garden Weekend, on 30th November and 1st December. For details of the event, go to
Also, our toys will be on sale at the Park Orchards Market in November and December, 

Please post your toy donation to Craft a Cure for Cancer, PO Box 109, East Ringwood, Victoria, Australia, 3135.

Using your craft skills to fundraise for the Cancer Council is a great way to help fund research and support programs, and ultimately find a cure.
If you'd like to hold your own fundraiser under the 'Craft a Cure' banner, go to, and click on 'Start Fundraising'. 

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Congratulations Kaye Whitney, winner of the $250 cash prize for the best tea cosy, in the Tea Cosy Competition 2019.

Yes!! It is a tea cosy; you need to look closely to see the handle and spout of the teapot. All of the children who live in the shoe are engaged in different activities....A very impressive tea cosy!!
There were several other tea cosies that impressed the judges, including a beautiful felted and embroidered cottage, and a wicked witch.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Tea Cosy Competition 2019

This is an annual fundraiser for the Cancer Council

Best tea cosy, $250 cash prize
Please join with us as we Craft a cure for cancer, by making a tea cosy for our exhibition in July. You could win the prize for the Best tea cosy. 
Then bring your friends along to the Warratina Lavender Farm in July  to see your tea cosy in our Exhibition. There'll be a display of 40 beautiful quilts; as well as lots of varied craft items for sale. For tea cosy lovers, this is the biggest tea cosy display you'll see; and it's your big chance to buy the tea cosy of your dreams. 
All money raised is donated to the Cancer Council. We've raised over $50,000 so far. Please help us in our quest to Craft a Cure for Cancer.
To enter the competition, make a tea cosy, and send it to the address at the bottom of the page.

Pin a note on the tea cosy with your name and phone number, so we can contact you if you are a prize winner.  

All entries for the competition must be received by Friday, 5th July, 2019.

If you'd like to donate a tea cosy, soft toy, or other craft item to our fundraiser,  and are not interested in winning a prize, please send it to us by Friday 12th July. As well as tea cosies, small soft toys are a favourite with our customers, and are a very welcome donation.

All items received will be on display and for sale at Warratina Lavender Farm,
105 Quayle Road, Wandin Yallock, from 13th to 21st July 2019.

For some creative ideas and free patterns, check out, and .

To make a donation to the Tea Cosy Competition fundraising effort for the Cancer Council, go to
Please note that the tea cosies or other items that you send to us cannot be returned. They will be displayed and sold at Warratina Lavender Farm, to raise money for the Cancer Council
Any that remain unsold after the display will be  sold at Lorenti Café, Park Rd, Park Orchards, or at markets and other events from time to time.  
All money raised will be donated to the Cancer Council.
    Post your entries to 'Tea Cosy Competition', PO Box 109, East Ringwood, 3135, Victoria, Australia.
    • Entries can be left with Annemarie at the tea rooms, Warratina Lavender Farm, 105 Quayle Road, Wandin Yallock.
    • Entries can be left with Chris and Sandie at Lorenti Cafe, Park Rd, Park Orchards (near the corner of Hopetoun Rd).